Monday, January 25, 2016

When I Realized What God Desires: Based on the Bible

I was zoning out before the church home group I'm going to attend, and I noticed my browser was on a Facebook page for the Universal Body of Christ.  I was skimming it, not really interested and then I read the cover photos verse.  It read "God desires all men to be saved and come to the full knowledge of the truth.  I read it again, not really seeing it.  But suddenly,  I realized that was what I had prayed, a couple of months ago.  Lord Jesus God,  that I could know what You desire.  Here it was in White Impact font, letters on a mountain background.

God Desires All Men To Be Saved And To Come To The Full Knowledge Of The Truth.

Now we know.  We don't have to guess.  Oh, no one can tell what God is thinking...blah de blah.  We know.  God desires all men to be saved.  and to come to the full knowledge of the truth.  So then...we should be aides and abettors of men being saved and coming to the full knowledge of the truth.  So we need to help people be saved.  We need to help people come to the full knowledge of the truth. We need to save people.  Bringing them to the full knowledge of the truth.  (which is just Christ.)

Friday, January 22, 2016

Long Complicated Mind Hacks

I'm burning to death.  I mean it.  Underneath my skin feels like hot pokers are stabbing me.  I don't know if it's my body's response to the cold, but I've been inside more than 20 minutes and my small blood vessels keep dilating.  I'm freaking out about it because it's really distracting, not to mention painful.  I feel the pain mostly on my face and scalp.

Maybe I can make the pain motivation?  Most people think, oh yeah, motivation to not go outside without a scarf, and that is a yes, but really?  I'm thinking I can dissect the pain into convincing myself that will happen to me if I don't start working on my homework.  The subconscious is really really easy to trick and hates pain.  On the other hand, it can create pain if it believes fully into it, so I'm not going to try this mind hack.

I now feel so sleepy and tired. Trying to get motivated.  On the bed.


Now I can't focus.  At my desk.  Super grumpy. Am I going to get married and become a person hater?  I think I will.  It will just happen.  Also I am in the body and mind of an old woman!  It's like I've aged and I can't stop my body from falling apart.  I can't stop forgetting things.  I'm super selfish, like I've lived all my life on Click and can't wait til it's over and I don't care what happens in between.  I'm pretending to be patient.  I have to convince myself it's worth it.  Justify it to myself.  It's endlessly frustrating.  And what's frustrating is the opposite, as well.  If I were fully invested in life...I would know that the outcome was this old womanishness, and I would deter.  Everything is annoying.  EVERYTHING.

then I get a surge of productiveness and I use it on looking up news stories, or typing on this thing.

Ok, I'm going to go hmwk my butt off.  Pray for me.

I just did that.  Laid down the law.  And then my brain said PANIC! I actually panicked.  Because I laid down the law and wanted to kill everyone for my "super important" stuff.

This takes a lot of humility. Ryan Garmon's baby is the cutest baby I've ever seen.  That is all.  Here I go again.  Up in the air like a skyrocket, jack in the box!  Brain body connection please.  Super distracted.  I can't think like I used to, got to think in a different way.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Little Spiritual Tid Bit and Community Building

Enemy.  I looked up what it means.  Sectioned up it basically means "not friend."  Do you know what this means?  That means when Jesus says love your enemies, he means love anyone who is not your friend!  I don't really know where he was going with heaping coals on their heads.  But it's an interesting revelation. 

The Headings are from Massive Sway Powered by The SITS Girls - 4 Ways to Create Community on Your Blog in 2013 - The Text is Original Commentation by Me

Read And Comment Often

This means in conversation that you should listen.  People don't listen in conversations, they simply feel.  Well, get a feel for the person, but don't use that to define them. Feelings are fluctuating and changing.  For dealing with people shallowly, in a disinterested basis, you can use your feelings.  If you want to get to know someone in more than a shallow level, you should not go by just your feelings, but what you hear from them.  This is a more timely and accurate way of deeply connecting with someone.

Make sure your comments are heuristic which means letting people discover for themselves, and in theory meaning that there is lots of theory which can be postulated and created from the comment itself.   So in essence your comments should lead to self discovery, and not be blatant obvious and blunt, though there is a place for that type of speech.

Love, Care and Share

You should love your friends and your enemies and God when you find Him.  Caring about people is as much preparing yourself as actual caring for another person.  Make sure the people are receptive to the love, caring and sharing  You don't want to offend.  This love and caring and sharing takes many forms, so experiment and see what works for you and the other person.  This is a deeper level of communication than  just reading and commenting.  An example of love would be feeling for a person, even if you don't say anything.  An example of care is buying a person a drink or offering them their coat even if it's cold.  If you want to share something, feel free, share something that may touch someone else.


When someone notices or appreciates you, no matter who they are, notice them.  I know, I know, stay away from creeps.  Most people aren't creepy. If they are they're probably stuck in yellow wallpaper.  People who go out of their way not to notice you, please do the same.  They are probably not worth your time and you don't need to cater to sensitive attitudes who would just abuse your love.  So don't hate, reciprocate.

Connect Outside Of Your Situation

This is for advanced community students.  If  you are comfortable../ too should definitely try to connect outside of your comfort zone.  Life is for the brave so don't keep yourself bound by your circumstances and your small close knit circle of friends.  Embrace change in all it's aspects. In fact, not embracing change makes life more memorable, but don't ruin anyone's parade with it. Take the change as it comes and try not to be too surprised.

Saturday, January 16, 2016


This whole promoting your blog...I thought about the project.  And, I even started on the venture.  It seemed cool to write about how you make your blog awesomer and beloved by all the people.

However, the more I looked at it, the more I felt like I was promoting myself or "a bunch of words."  As I do read the Bible and am a Christian, I want to boast only in Christ.  So I decided to promote myself, my character (besmirched, though it may be) and the Bible instead.  Which I already do in small ways, except this time it will be more organized and based off of web pages.  I love converting writings into another more useful more true version of itself, so this will be fun for me, too.

Also, I'd love to become a life coach someday and this is what a life coach does.

The condition I'm in now:


I'm out of shape, pretty ugly, acne, like to take long periods of time without showers. (A couple of days.)  I dress funky.  Health-wise, I take medication.

I have a lot of annoying gross habits.  Picking my nose, giving myself a wedgie, farting.

I have very poor character.  I'm  angry, I'm hurtful.  I'm confused. I'm lazy and sloppy and not hard working.  I don't trust anyone.  I skip out of meetings to which I should go.  I ignore people to which I should pay attention.  I don't really get out much.  I'm stubborn.  I don't seek the things of god or of the spirit.  I hide from things about which I should be bold.   I listen and put faith into lies and liars.  (Build on sinking sand.) I'm selfish and self-centered.  I hate people and don't cover with love.

I'm abrupt and too quiet and inflexible in speech.  I don't speak when I should speak.  I don't stand up and prophesy.  I don't speak for God.  I sit in meetings and can't think of a thing to say.  I talk based on visuals, not on energy.

My relationships aren't good.  I don't have any friends.  I don't have any mentors or professors to which I can talk.  I have some church relationships.  my family relationships are terrible.  my relationship with god is very weak.  My relationship with my dog is good, but it has been weakened, as well as my relationship with my mother.

I'm going to school, but afraid of what will happen to me.  Will I go crazy or change in a way that disturbs me?  I'm afraid of using one space between sentences.

I do nothing that would help me make money.  I'm on social security.


I can be pretty from certain angles, some of the time.

I am a Christian, I love my God.  I love my dog.  I love my mom. I care about people and their futures.

In conversation I'm interested in other people and how the conversation is going. Yet at the same time, I'm very determined.  I have my moments.  I feel emotions strongly.

I'm a really good advertiser and writer, when the subject interests me.   I am well-read.  I focus on the small details.  I don't waste time.  I seek the truth.   I believe things and people have an ideal self that pertains to their function.

I'm really good at decorating and organizing objects pleasingly.  I know how to clean, cook and sew with a sewing machine. I can knit, sew, make jewelry, and cross stitch. I collect sayings. I support animal welfare, being a vegetarian. I'm crazy about psychology research. I'm curious and a perfectionist.  I'm pretty good at grammar.

I'm going to school to finish in the fall at UTA,   Am learning how to write songs and relearning how to write with Coursera.

I'm always looking for a job, analyzing the job market, except when I'm in school and it would be too stressful.

I have four great blogs.

That is my character and my person.  Which I feel should be more God like and in line with God's purpose.  As for the Bible and promoting it:  Not enough people know about the Bible in an intimate way.  They know all the stories like they know internet memes, but to have a part of it be your fundamental being.  Who you are for a purpose, not many people know.  That's what I would like to have happen.  People carry around in their hearts and love their Bibles in my church and community. I want to preach the gospel! I first have to get rid of my being to be His being so i can express Him, not my sloppy, ugly self.  He modifies us in all ways.  

Friday, January 15, 2016

God and Life

I've been a little depressed lately, Reading some scripture and the word is hard to hear.  It applies to my life and the church life.  I just feel subhuman in some ways.

I feel like that depression is good for the church and that goes against all my happy go luckiness.  The belief that happiness is the greatest good, etc.

But I did have an experience in my life applying the scripture where I felt that I was doing the right thing, even though it was letting down a friend.  It's so hard when moral questions come into it.

It's hard because you want to be nice, you want that experience of being with someone who is great, but you have to realize is that God wants pictures of Himself more than anything.  (Vain, maybe, He's God, who am I to question?)  God is not sneaking off in the middle of the night.  He is getting married openly and inviting many people.  He is waiting and watching for his bride.  He is struggling and fighting to gain ones to make his bride.  So he wants us to give the biggest life choice of our lives to Him and make a picture that He can "use as a template" for his wedding day, as we use Him as ours.

Wednesday, January 13, 2016


Feeling so stressed lately.  My neck and back are all sore and tense.  I promise that wasn't a come on, Just the way things roll.

Lately I've been wanting to write a series on a freelance writer.  Her ups and downs.  I know, boring right?  But you get the write writers and the rite actors.  Could be awesome peeps.  A project for fun to do to eliminate the boredom.

But as I said I'm too stressed to do anything more than what I'm doing.