Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm an
Organized Traveling Believer

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Drool or Bible?

Hey everyone, I hope everything is going well with you. There's so many hot guys around I'm just droooooooooling all over myself. NOT REALLY.

Anyway, I just am really creeped out by all the people in the church that I know getting married. I find out through facebook. What gives them the right to eternal happiness, when mine was crushed in one fell blow and thus my destiny awaits to do with it as I will.

What I mean to say is my life plan got thwarted. How irrevocably unsettling is this? And then people have the audacity to say that they have happiness which I cannot really share in (even though I try)? It's like everyone is getting married at the same time. And it's disturbing. I would ask everyone to please stop getting married.

I know the Bible probably has a plan for me. Stoning! I'm such a fornicator. Seriously, how does the Bible (my old faith) intermesh with what happens to me? These few words "Go and sin no more." That's the way it's gotta be.

Love ya'lls,
Peace outs...

Friday, April 03, 2009


Hey guys... I basically don't want to decide my fate, so I'd like you to decide for me.


Anyway, besides that, NOTHING is going on in my life. I hold the shift key down too long and filterkeys turns on. And that is exciting. And my life consists of sleeping, eating and staring blankly. Where is the drool, people?

I miss Thailand and my family and hope to see them again soon or go on a trip again soon. Perhaps Colorado in the summer so that will be nice.

Besides that I have chocolate-covered-cherry-flavored coffee, so that's a tasty treat. It's the only thing keeping me going.

Best wishes,