Thursday, December 10, 2015

In Which I Didn't Take Meds.

So I didn't take my medication.  The one with the dopamine receptor blocker?  I'm already tripping balls on dopamine.  Yay, hormones. 

I don't like what they do to us.  Experimenting with the human body to see if something works.  I don't like it and I refuse to take it anymore.  So I'm not taking Zyprexa or olanzapine as they call it now.

Not openly, of course, I will ask my psychologist when I go to the appointment, but this an experiment of my own to see how well someone would handle it. 

I shouldn't be doing this before my one final....I don't know what will happen.  But I have Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to shut it down and take the pill. 

I needed to tell someone, so dear readers, I'm telling you.  Don't tell anyone!  I promise I'll be safe.  People do trippy balls drugs all the time, so getting off a anti-psychotic shouldn't be that hard.  I hope the monsters stay away tonight because I don't know if I'm sleeping. 

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