Tuesday, September 06, 2016

Thoughts on a warm Tuesday in September

I am on the third floor of Tremble Hall on the UTA Campus.  I'm right across from the Language Acquisition Center, sitting on one of two old wooden picnic tables. 

I am very sleepy and it is very warm and yet not oppressive.  I've been drinking water out of an Aquafina bottle I have recycled.  It is going towards warm.  I've been Stumbleuponing, the one website which takes you to many different websites, all mostly entertaining.  Trying to stay awake.  It's like sitting in a turret up here.  There are old pasteboard benches with metal slats against the walls, without any chairs to seat them. 

I am disproportionally anxious.    People were talking below me, casually, comfortably and then they floated out.  I think I'm going to fill up my water bottle.  Then to the basement with me.  For another 2 hours until class starts. 

It is getting stuffy up here. 


Restocked the old water bottle, found a snack machine within my budget.  Victory! 

Also I want to shed some love on my readers.  You have not commented.  I don't mind.  I appreciate that you read. 

But if you do comment, I would be very happy.  Even if you were bashing me a little.  I'm kind of self-depreciating.  I just like knowing there are people out there.  People EXIST!

I like to pretend it's too hard to talk to people.  It's like a little game, I think, a sad and dangerous game that I use to define who I am.  Everyone does it to some extent.  It's really unhealthy. 

That's really hard for me to admit.  I've never said that to anyone, and just recently admitted it to myself. 

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