Tuesday, September 13, 2016

The Universe

Today I wanted to get up, but I was definitely considering staying in bed. 

I had a funky dream where I was having a debate with my professor and someone called her extra crispy, which was funny because she has a tan is rather curt. 

My dog had stretches of the night outdoors, so I had to get up every so odd hours and put her out or bring her back in when I heard her little bark.  

I'm here, at school, feeling tired.  Not exhausted, but generally tired. 

"What should I do next?"  I wonder, stupidly. 

"Sleep," I think, also pretty stupidly.  I have 2 hours to kill.  Maybe I should have gone to the library and found a couch to sleep on.  There's one on the fourth floor.   Didn't bring a watch today.  Dumb. 

***   ***

Did some Spanish lab work, checked my emails, considered moving from the outside to the inside of the picnic table, and did move. 8:31 am. 

*** ***

Feel much better after Spanish class.   The professor there is so understanding and the classmates are kind, as well.  Then lunch.  Veggie Subway Sandwich.  Now here.  I'm in Nowhere, 3rd Floor, Central Library, UTA, Arlington, Texas, USA, North America, Earth, The Solar System, The Milky Way, The Universe. 

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