Tuesday, September 20, 2016

An Exercise

I'm feeling great today. 

I don't have problems with my dad at all.  He's always very respectful and he doesn't take up too much time.  

I have plenty of people to talk to at lunch and everything and I'm not sitting on a bench alone typing my soul into a blog. 

I'm not sad or anything.  I'm not decreasing in the imaginary polls I create in my head. 

I'm not worried about the coming election, voting or non voting.  I'm sure whichever candidate will take care of the nation well.  They are fully qualified and honest, so I have faith in them.  I'm actually happy that I will be voting because of all the benefits that come with voting.  I know my vote counts.

My attitude is great and I'm pleasure to work with. 

Also, my butt doesn't hurt from sitting on this bench. I'm not tired, but refreshed

I didn't have a sup weird dream last night, right before I woke up.

I'm not sad or anything.  Not decreased or diminished.  He must increase and I must decrease is something Paul says in the New Testament.  A lot of negative things are put forth as positive by Paul.  Death, the Cross, decreasing, running.  lol. 

This was an exercise in positivity.  All of these were false positives.  Sometimes you have to speak it into being. Now for the genuine positivity. 

I really like UTA students.  I think they are really brave and powerful.  

I didn't forget anything I wanted to remember today, when I left for school. 

I didn't understand my Spanish workbook exercises at all at first, but now I'm getting some of the answers right!  Progress. 

I still have time to study for my test. 

People are pretty simple, after all. 

Someone, somewhere, loves me. 

My butt still hurts. 

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