Thursday, November 26, 2009

It's Thanksgiving.

For what do I give thanks? Being vegan. It kind of prowled and then sprung upon me. I never thought that I'd be one of those hippie, peace-love sort of people.

But it's grown on me. I don't think that everyone should do this. I don't think that people should stop eating animals altogether. I just believe there are more humane ways of treating animals and all life for that matter.

I'm thankful for knitting. It's a hobby. It's boring really...and I might give it up. But it's something to do and I've created a lot of neat stuff. It really gives me creative license to expand that left side of my brain.

I'm also thankful for the usual: friends and all their wierd and wonderful ways. They are my stronghold and I'm happy that I have them.

Love to you all,

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Words #1

New Words: Eigenharp.

It's this mad cat sound beat box, mix of a basson and a guitar. I know I know, you think of an accordian and say... bad idea, right? But this is different. After centuries with little variation in musical instruments, this is a breakthrough. The music is all there and the folks be jammin. It's a long narrow instrument about the size of a basson which has a small winding pipe to blow on, and on the front of it are what look like guitar strings. So it's a combination of a wind instrument and a string instrument. Ingenius!

Next word: Moroso.

It's Spanish. For in default.
so if you have a loan in Mexico and you don't have any money to pay it... Moroso, Senor!

Third word: Dirl

It means to shake, or vibrate. Having been playing Scabble lately, I've been finding all sorts of obscure words. I don't know why this isn't in the common use. What a handy word!

Used in a sentence: I dirled the package but could not discern what was in it.

That ends our wonderful words of the day! I hope you enjoyed them as much as I did.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Ginger Kids

Ginger kids. What can I say? They are beautiful and special especially because their genes are recessive and there are not that many of them.

There's always someone who wants to beat up the minority. A person who needs a reason to hurt the weaker of us.

"Kick a Ginger Day" inspired by South Park, which, we all know is a show for the more common and simpler folk. They make fun of a lot of people's differences.

Well, some seventh and eight graders in Southern California took it seriously and beat up a 12-year-old boy for the color of his hair.

You know what this says to me? It says middle school is hard. And young people's hearts are harder. Like the famous western, there are the Good, the Bad, and the Ugly and this incident is the Ugly.

Having a ginger kid as a brother, I know all about their supposed temper (which isn't true) and I know about the small stigmas which come from having red hair. Well, here I declare they don't exist. They are remnants of a more foolish era.

We love all our redheaded kids. How's that Southern California?

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Mint vs Cinnamon

Well, in the news there were a lot of murders. And a lot of convictions and court cases.

But we don't talk about that here. We talk about: the pros and cons of cinnamon vs mint hard candies.

Cinnamon is so spicy! It tastes like deep dark sinfully delicious secrets.

Mint is so refreshing. It is like the light at the end of the tunnel. The bed at the end of a day. A long cool shower.

How can I choose between them? I don't.

Carefully yours,

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Saturday, November 07, 2009

Banana Bread! is supposed to be good.

But mine is not.

Because of the many chocolate chips in it.

I am eating it anyway.

Anyone have any baking stories to relate?

The banana bread may be gross because of the chocolate chips or something else... I don't know. I will try it again with none and see what the problem is. Maybe it's the olive oil which I guess is in place of butter, in which case, I'll use this margarine mom got which is dairy free and tastes like heaven.

I'm baking vegan brownies tomorrow so wish me luck!

Love ya'lls
The Megans

Thursday, November 05, 2009


I just found out text colors!

How exciting.

Also. I am thinking presents for the holidays so if you want something in particular, I might not buy it. But I might. Because I have all this money for gifts. Right.

Anyways. I got birthday money. The Phone needs to be fixed. I washed it in the washing machine. How else your calls got to keep clean?

Free of lint, I guess. So after that I'm going to buy groceries. Brownie making stuffs. For my birthday, which I'm sure you all knew about on the 9th. Hint, hint. (Presents.)

So ya'll have a good day, and stop by my blog anytime.

and Rapturous


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Well, it's over

Gauze pads and drama aside. i was in the chair not but a minute, when I went to sleep, anesthesia caused, of course. I had gauze in my mouth and the assistant came in to take me to the waiting room. I slept all through that day and through the night, getting up periodically to take the blood and spit soaked gauze out and replace it with fresh bandages.

So far today, I'm a little weak, and my cheeks are really puffy. The swelling is said to go down with ice packets applied, and I'm really glad my cheeks have stopped bleeding.

I find that I'm glad to have had the experience of getting my wisdom teeth out.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The teeth

I'm getting my wisdom teeth out this Friday. I am so scared of dentists in general, getting my wisdom teeth out in particular. Last time I had dentists working on me I prayed the whole time and practically didn't breathe.

I've looked it up on the internet, you don't really need to get your teeth out unless they are impacted, which two of mine are. But do I really need to get all four out? Maybe it's good to do them at the same time.

But there's going to be four freaking holes in my mouth. How disgusting is that?

Let's just say I'm not looking forward to this experience. Getting drugged up and teeth surgically removed from my mouth is not fun.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Hymn of the week #12

  1. All my life long I had panted
    For a draught from some cool spring,
    That I hoped would quench the burning
    Of the thirst I felt within.
  1. Chorus: Hallelujah! I have found Him
    Whom my soul so long has craved!
    Jesus satisfies my longings;
    Through His life I now am saved.
  1. Feeding on the husks around me,
    Till my strength was almost gone,
    Longed my soul for something better,
    Only still to hunger on.
  1. Poor I was, and sought for riches,
    Something that would satisfy,
    But the dust I gathered round me
    Only mocked my soul's sad cry.
  1. Well of water, ever springing,
    Bread of life, so rich and free,
    Untold wealth that never faileth,
    My Redeemer is to me.
This is a sweet hymn which means a lot. It's simplicity speaks to it's strength and obvious truth.
As our everything positive in our life, Christ can also be our drink and refreshment. Cool glasses of water on a hot day are enjoyable and so is Christ on a "dry" day. Reading the Bible is refreshment for our soul.


Friday, October 16, 2009

My mom is on Facebook. This wouldn't be a big deal if Facebook wasn't so personal. Facebook is you in digital form. Your likes, your contact information, your life, your boring applications of which you have a ton.

This wouldn't be a big deal, except it's my life.

But add insult to injury, she doesn't add me as a friend and the tables are turned. I'm a bit insulted that because I believe gays should have the same rights as others and I drop the occasional bad word, that I'm a bad friend. That's a part of who I am and if my family can't accept that, I often think they have beliefs that I do not agree with and that doesn't make them less of a person just because they are different than me. But I understand and respect my mother's beliefs. Just don't judge me, lest ye be judged.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Sock Wars

So you like to knit. Well, join Sock Wars. I know most of you don't knit. Some of you wouldn't be caught dead mentioning the word knit. And knitting is not fun for those with arthritis.

However knitting can be a fun and relaxing activity for those who have a lot of time on their hands and for those who need to disengage from life for a few hours. And yes, men can knit.

I haven't knit in a while, but with the upcoming Sock Wars, I think I'll take up the old sticks again and see if I can't kill a couple of targets while killing some time.

What is sock wars, you ask? Well, it's not like Star Wars, but it's an assassin game where you knock out players by knitting socks and sending them to your target. They send you the socks they were knitting and you finish those, too, knocking out other players. Anyone can play and the sign up start is Oct. 23, 2009. Killing starts in January. That's when the fun begins. Don't be afraid to pick up your sticks and start knitting!

Here is the link to the homepage: Sock Wars, if anyone is interested. See you there.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Don't the worst people take it upon themselves to blog?

Every once in a while there is someone who has a good blog. There are two of these here. They are great crafty, girly weblogs. So if you are a female and bored and looking for something inspirational.. Here they are.

Whimsy Love


Joy's Hope

They are great. Add them to your reader. In fact, I am recommending you use your reader. It's a little like a newspaper that you create. It is really exteraneous and I'm sure you're all apologizing in your heads for not doing it. Just do it! That would be Nike talking and I don't know what Nike has to do with readers, but it can be a discovery of sorts. So yeah.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Earthen Vessel

1Earthen vessel I was made,
Christ in me the treasure laid;
His container I must be,
As the content He in me.
2In His image I was made,
Fit that Christ should all pervade;
Thus the vessel God did form
With the content uniform.
3In my spirit He remains,
With His power He sustains;
As the Spirit one with me,
He is my reality.
4Moving in me day by day,
Mingling with me all the way,
All my steps He regulates,
Every part He saturates.
5Him expressing from within,
Making Him to others seen,
I transparent have to be
That He may be shown thru me.
6Transformation is my need,
To be broken more indeed,
That the clay may change in form,
To the treasure to conform.

This song was written by Witness Lee and speaks to our day to day walk with the Lord and how we change and move and live in our daily life. It says something about salvation for transformation. We don't merely need initial salvation, but a day to day salvation of the spirit and mind.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

I'm not getting married.

I know in our romantic centered culture and on most people's checklist of life fulfillment is marriage.

You have someone to stay with you for the rest of your life. You enjoy their company. You have fights. People have certain expectations. They want you to hook up.

Then they expect you to have kids, and then they expect those kids to grow up and do the same thing.

I actually have found my life partner. My mom. She is single and is not getting married again. I have no reason to get married. So perhaps there is God's blessing in our singleness and in my resolution not to get married. I thank the lord every day, that I don't have to put up with messy husbands and their bratty kids. So don't knock the old maid life til you've tried it.

I've heard that single women live longer than women who are married. Just goes to show, life can turn out different than you expect.

Hymn of the week #11

  1. When peace like a river attendeth my way,
    When sorrows like sea billows roll;
    Whatever my lot Thou hast taught me to say,
    "It is well, it is well with my soul!"
    • It is well with my soul!
      It is well, it is well with my soul!

  1. Though Satan should buffet, though trials should come,
    Let this blest assurance control,
    That Christ hath regarded my helpless estate,
    And hath shed His own blood for my soul.

  1. My sin—oh, the bliss of this glorious thought—
    My sin, not in part, but the whole,
    Is nailed to His Cross, and I bear it no more;
    Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul!

  1. For me, be it Christ, be it Christ hence to live;
    If dark hours about me shall roll,
    No pang shall be mine, for in death as in life
    Thou wilt whisper Thy peace to my soul.
This song was written by a man who had lost his children and wife and fortune. He was really sad, but turned to God on a trip over the Atlantic. He realized that everything was "well with his soul" and that even over everything God was looking out for him and taking especial care of him.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Sorry guys

I was just feeling really under the weather when I wrote that. I had to vent and it had the immediate effect I was looking for. My family rallied to the call and they came en force to support and encouage me. So yah for instant communication. I thank all who gave their time.

Love, Megan

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Hymn of the week #10

  1. In the church of Jesus there is love for you,
    Love most pure and tender, love most deep and true;
    Why should you be lonely, why for friendship sigh,
    When the church of Jesus has a full supply?

  1. In the church of Jesus there is life for you,
    Warm as summer sunshine, sweet as morning dew;
    Why should you be fearful, why take anxious thought,
    Since the church of Jesus cares for those He bought?

  1. In the church of Jesus there is work for you;
    Such as even angels might rejoice to do;
    Why stand idly sighing for some life work grand,
    While the church of Jesus seeks your reaping hand?

  1. In the church of Jesus there's a place for you;
    Glorious, bright, and joyous, right and peaceful too;
    Why then like a wand'rer, roam with weary pace,
    If the church of Jesus holds for you a place.

I like this song because it reflects a fundamental truth, that Jesus has a place for all his saints and that they all have a function in His church.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thoughts on God

I think Jesus understood that sometimes you had to be dead to be alive again.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

"U.S. President Barack Obama says inaction on climate change could leave future generations with an "irreversible catastrophe."

Mr. Obama urged more than 90 global leaders gathered for a climate change summit in New York City to work together to combat the problem.

U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon called the summit, and opened the session Tuesday by saying it would be 'morally inexcusable' not to act."

This is an excerpt from a news story.

Thank goodness someone is worried about global warming besides me. I'm sure a lot of people feel relieved that the government is showing interest in greenhouse gases. We need our atmosphere!

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hymn of the week #9

  1. A little bird I am,
    Shut from the fields of air,
    And in my cage I sit and sing
    To Him who placed me there;
    Well pleased a prisoner to be,
    Because, my God, it pleaseth Thee.
  2. Nought have I else to do,
    I sing the whole day long;
    And He whom most I love to please
    Doth listen to my song;
    He caught and bound my wandering wing;
    But still He bends to hear me sing.
  3. Thou hast an ear to hear
    A heart to love and bless;
    And though my notes were e'er so rude,
    Thou wouldst not hear the less;
    Because Thou knowest as they fall,
    That love, sweet love, inspires them all.
  4. My cage confines me round;
    Abroad I cannot fly;
    But though my wing is closely bound,
    My heart's at liberty;
    For prison walls cannot control
    The flight, the freedom of the soul.
  5. O it is good to soar
    These bolts and bars above!
    To Him whose purpose I adore,
    Whose providence I love;
    And in Thy mighty will to find
    The joy, the freedom of the mind.
This song is actually painful for me. Because I am that bird. And I haven't gotten used to being shut up yet. Generally, I thought I didn't believe for the longest time. But every once in a while, something about the Lord touches me and I believe. These moments stretch into minutes and minutes into hours and so on. I come to believe the Lord has shut me in. I don't really have any skills and I don't know that I'll be going back to school so it's just me and the Lord at home while every one is away living their life. So even through the pain of not being able to handle all of life's difficulties, I can enjoy shut away in my "cage."

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Tip of the day #1

To rinse your toilet bowl brush, flush, then tap to get rid of excess water.

I had been rinsing it in the tub, but was torn. Doesn't that seem unsanitary? As if some of the germs from the toilet brush could now infiltrate your system. But I felt that the brush should be cleaned after use. Thus the flush method was born.

Monday, September 14, 2009

What great liturature my blog is most like

Lewis Carroll moderately resembles to the writings of Lewis Carroll.

49% alike

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Hymn of the Week #8

"Jesus Christ will get His kingdom
In spite of Satan and his plans;
He's getting something real and solid
By growing in the hearts of man.
It's nothing like religion teaches:
"You have to wait until you die."
For the kingdom Christ is building,
Is here on earth before our eyes."

Sometimes it's hard for me to get Jesus Christ's kingdom. A kingdom is such an abstract concept. What is a kingdom? Is it a person? It certainly is within our hearts. It's a person who loves us and wants us to come together to meet with Him and love Him. He is building this kingdom, this way of getting love to His chosen people.

Sometimes God just wants us to enjoy Him and other times He wants us to build for Him. What does this mean? God wants us to be living stones for Him. A testimony on the earth full of experiences of Him.

Tuesday, September 08, 2009

John 14:1

Do not let your heart be troubled; believe into God, believe also into Me.

This verse is really good. I read that to believe is just to enjoy what you receive. So if we've received a warning, a sweet message, a hard discussion from the Lord, if we just enjoy it, we'll be believing in the Lord.

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Link #1

I have a link for you.

The background story is... I have a ton of bookmarks. They are all useful and unique in some sort of way or other. I want to share them with you.

This is a poem which I found amusing and noteworthy. My dad always says the Coker family is crazy, so this applies to most of us.

The Poem.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Hymn of the week #7

  1. Morning dawn had arisen,
    Abraham saddled his donkey,
    Took his two young men with him
    And Isaac, his beloved son.
    Lord, You're God's only Son
    And of God begotten
    "This is My beloved Son, in whom
    I am well-pleased."

  1. To his young men he said then,
    "Stay and we'll return to you."
    To Moriah he led him,
    His son Isaac, just them two.
    Just the son and the father,
    Speaking with one another.
    Isaac said, "My father!" Abraham
    said, "Here I am."

  1. As You spoke with Your Father
    You bore the wood God laid on You;
    As a lamb to the slaughter
    Obedient to the death were You.
    Precious blood of a Lamb,
    Slain from when earth began,
    Laid Your life down for Your sheep, in love,
    that I might live.

  1. Man of sorrows, I love You.
    From You men did hide their face.
    With no majesty to You,
    Despised, forsaken, and disgraced.
    For my sins You were crushed.
    Lord, I love You so much.
    Chastened, scourged and then pierced through, my griefs
    and sorrows bore.

  1. Dead in sins and offenses,
    I'm a bruised reed—smoking flax.
    Yet to death You were given,
    For of Your sheep, You'd not lose one.
    Like the woman, I'd weep,
    Flow my tears at Your feet.
    Jesus Lord, I just love You—dear Lord,
    Jesus my Lord.
This is a great hymn because it tells a story of a man and his son and this is a picture of God with his son. Abraham gave his only son up to satisfy God's commandment, but he received back what was his, when God gave an offering up as a ram, caught in some bushes. I enjoy it because it has an impact on my daily life. I can consider that God loves me and that he wants the best for me, including dying for my sins, which are numerous and under the kingdom of Satan. Praise Christ! He can satisfy God's righteous requirement and I can become God's son!

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Why every introvert should have facebook.

You don't talk to people. You are shy. Facebook gives you a way to connect that is unique in that you don't have to communicate with other people to know what's going on with them. For that reason, it caters to the introvert-stalker type and the extrovert-attention seeking type. To get the attention they crave is only a click away. I would recommend to all my friends and family.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Last night on Earth

If this were my last night on earth. I'd like to thank everyone.

Thank you dad, for getting me to say Daddy as my first word, and for calling me pudding pie.

Thank you moms for putting up with me and sticking with me to the end.

Thank you Sayward for STILL loving me through my insanity and depression.

Thank you John for everything you've given me. I couldn't ask for a nicer person as a brother.

Thank you Grandma Coker for not giving in and not giving up. Now that's what I call spit n' vinegar.

Thank you Grandma Vaught for being stubborn and for your beliefs that everything will work out for good.

Ya'll are all important people in my life. And I appreciate you every day.

Monday, August 17, 2009

Hymn of the week #6

Seek ye first the kingdom of God
And His righteousness,
And all these things shall be added unto you.
Hallelu, Hallelujah!

Ask, and it shall be given unto you;
Seek and ye shall find.
Knock and it shall be opened unto you.
Hallelu, Hallelujah.

Man shall not live by bread alone,
But by every word
That proceeds from the mouth of God.
Hallelu, Hallulujah.

This song really made me think. How much of my life do I give to God? Do I seek Him? The answer is miserly: barely. Having a good relationship with God is important. I would like to speak to Him. Prayer. Set aside at least to talk a part of the day with him.

Also I'm wondering to anyone who likes reading, my mom is getting rid of a bunch of Christian literature and this is high grade spiritual stuff if anyone is interested. We just don't have room for it, bookcases being in short supply.

Friday, July 24, 2009

This is a link to a really cute movie. I think my family is cooky enough to understand it and relish it for the treasure it is.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sometimes I just scream inside. The thought of unknown gods deciding my fate does that to me. Like I can't choose to go to school, but there's the money issue there and failing 2 classes doesn't help.

I want to write great things. I want to write something. I want to write.

I want to do something. I don't really care.

They want to push me down so I'll stay.

What's a little suicidal behavior among friends? It stops being worth something after the fifth or sixth time. Just Megan, being a little suicidal. I don't want to be like that. I just feel abandoned. Perhaps. I'd rather fall than be pushed down. Falling reminds me of Alice down the rabbit hole and I can always imagine that I'll be in an interesting place when I land.

Monday, July 13, 2009

A Little Bird I Am.

A little bird I am,
Shut from the fields of air,
And in my cage I sit and sing
To Him who placed me there;
Well pleased a prisoner to be,
Because, my God, it pleaseth Thee.

I really find this hymn to be good. I can't really go out and get a job like everyone does. But I can stay at home and clean some and keep house a little. God has limited us and we are stuck in our situations. This pleases God even though this is against our concept. So lets go on pleasing God, because He has arranged for each one of us our places, people and things.

Wednesday, July 08, 2009

A Letter

Dear Dad,

While times are hard and the economy is bad, I have been expending my efforts trying to get a job. It comes down to three potential jobs. Luby's, Silverleaf Resorts (a call center) and Kroger. All this is wonderful and good and I'm sure the three remaining jobs will duke it out like proper reality TV show contestants do, but until then, I've got bills to pay and I'm up a creek without a paddle, so to speak.

I have a hundred dollar hospital bill every month, and a 35$ public safety payment to make. Meaning, at least until I have a paying job, I still need support from my parents. Money from Dad, and food and shelter from Mom.

Thanks for understanding, and I hope I can return the favor when you are old and decrepit.


Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Hymn of the week #5

"He gives support and comforts you,
Interceding night and day.
And when you're weak He groans for you
With words you cannot say.
He's the Spirit, interceding.
He's the Spirit. Don't neglect this
Wonderful One,
Who is praying for you."

I enjoyed this hymn (it is one of my favorites) today. When the Lord intercedes in your life, you must be careful to listen and not neglect Him. Coming to Him daily in the morning is the prime time to contact and enjoy Him. Sometimes His speaking would surprise us.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Ninja (That's the dog's name)

We are trying to find a new home for our dog, a safe, loving home.

She is a bright black Labrador Retriever/Terrier mix.

She fetches, is curious and friendly, grew up with great parents who love her.

Right now she's just too much to handle for us.

So I ask you to if you want a dog or know anyone who wants or needs a dog write to us at

Saturday, July 04, 2009


Every day there are tons of e-mails in my mailbox due to freecycle. People are either have an OFFER or have TAKEN or RECEIVED and WANTED. This means people want clothes or fans or electric guitars or are offering this type of stuff.

Sometimes I have to take a step back and remind myself that these people are taking time out of their busy life to share a hope or a gift with me. That is why I believe that free cycle and the world in general is a good place with people who do their business and live happily ever after.

Because of freecycle.

Thank you, ladies and gents.


Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Been reading a book called Meditation as Medicine. You may think that the eastern religions do not have any value to add to Christianity, but since millions of people practice and believe them, I think they have some spiritual significance, as well.

Breathing is key. How you breathe determines how you will live your life. When you have a relaxed breath, a breath that goes from your toes to the top of your head, you will live a full and happy life.

I've been learning several breathing techniques. One is to breathe in for six heartbeats, hold for three beats, breathe out for six heartbeats and hold for three more beats. This is actually rather difficult as the heart beat speeds up or slows down as you are breathing, making this a juggling act. If you can get control of your breath, it helps you to get control of your entire life.

I urge you to try this and see what results you get.

Monday, June 29, 2009

A message and a job

I'm worried that my family is reading these journal entries and wondering what a strange person they produced. What strange imaginations go through her head. How she doesn't always make sense. Well, to you I say you'll have to take the bad with the good. My saddest two sentence entries with the great 8 paragraph ones.

In other news I might get a job. I'm almost afraid. I'm afraid I'll get in a dead end job and remain trapped there for the rest of my life. Bagging groceries. Making cold calls. Serving up fish at Luby's.

But there's another part of me that says just get a job and stop whining already. As of late that part of me has won. So I go forth to get a job.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Hymn of the week 4

This is one of my favorites and has been for a long time. It talks about how the love in Song of Songs is a depiction of Christ loving His faithful ones.

Rise up, my love, my beautiful one,
And come away, for behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.
Flow'rs appear on the earth,
The time of singing has come,
And the voice of the turtle dove
Is heard in our land.
My beloved is mine,
And I am His,
He who feeds His flocks among the lilies.
'Til the day breaks,
And the shadows flee away,
Come my beloved,
Come my beloved!
Rise up, my love, my beautiful one
And come away, for behold, the winter is past,
The rain is over and gone.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Treks. Everyone takes them. Even if it's just from the mailbox and back.

People take them and motives are unknown.

Monday, June 22, 2009

A Good Read

Sometimes all I can do is just read. My brain and fragile ego is a little more than a speck on this huge planet, all filled with humans who all consider them and what they do as all important. It's nice to take some time and dive into a good read.

Recently, I finished a book called Chosen by a Horse. The author is witty but unusually vulnerable to her readers, telling about her abused childhood and discussing her romantic endeavors. She is a creature that comes to terms with her mother's death (happening to her at the age of 5) by dealing with an abused animal, a horse.

She is very much a horse person and this shows in her writing, attributing human personality traits to the horses and seeing them very much as her children.

The book is excellent yet sorrowful near the ending. Not wanting to spoil the book, I won't disclose what happens, but it is a book with touching consequences.

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Job Hunting 2

I'm trying to reach out to people when getting a job. Not just for the money, but for the companionship that other people offer us. Sometimes a fresh perspective on our life is required when getting a job. But that job is a passage through fire for some of us. The quiet, the shy, the timid of us.

I feel that I am one such. I'm looking for a job which can either push the limits of my quieter personality or cater to it's whims.

Yes, I'm looking for a job. Get out the party hats and kazoos. This time I might just catch one.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Scrabble night

Why don't we bring it back.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

The game is World of Warcraft. That's where I've been the last couple of days. It's kind of a game that obsesses you. Draws you in. Which is all the fun.

I've been enjoying playing this game and I realize that I am growing a little as a consequence. Three things I've learned which are of use in the real world.

1.) Don't be afraid to ask for directions.

The whole man, macho thing is to not, but I find in a world which is constantly changing it helps to ask directions and often as not there are people willing to give them to you. Sometimes they will even guide you there.

2.) Emote often. Expressing yourself can and will get you noticed and by the right people.

3.) Fight as if your life depends on it. Which it does in World of Warcraft.

Even if you are fighting low level creatures, use your powerups and specials. The practice is good for you.

Overall, WOW, so they call it, is a great game and I don't know what I'll do when my trial is over. Cry probably, moan maybe, and buy the game, most definitely.

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

More Vampires

"The director thinks interest in vampires goes beyond the current fleeting dalliance with the Twilight series, in which the vampire is just a romantic bad boy.

"There are few characters that belong to the cosmos of mankind," he said, mentioning the dragon which is seen as evil or good in different cultures.

"The same is true for the vampire — it's very malleable — it's an incredibly open metaphor for power, greed, sexual appetite, you name it," he said."

I'm glad someone agrees with me about vampires.

Chinese Christian and Writer's Management

Starting a new project is encouraging, even if it has low pay. I've been writing some articles, $3 per article and there are a ton to do. I don't know how soon I would finish at just 4-5 per day. There's about 120 articles to do. Well, just fighting the good fight.

I've been reading about the law in Watchman Nee's book. How we sin without knowing it, but the law shows us that we have sin. Without our disobedience of the law it's difficult to prove that we are sinners. God, however can bring us back to the law and show us our sin so we are able to accept His grace which was God's original intention.

Monday, June 08, 2009


I've been reading the revamped Mutant Ninja Turtles and it still has a great impact on me. I miss the tradition of Saturday morning cartoons and the anticipation and excitement they bring. When you are a kid, everything seems exciting, but growing older, you learn to pick and choose when you will get excited about something.

I personally realize that even the first things which I used to be excited about aren't as exciting now as they used to be. But we can learn to take the remakes of the remakes of our old cartoon and accept it and cherish as we would the original.

And mutant ninja turtles is one of those cartoons. Cowabunga, dudes!

Saturday, June 06, 2009


Options. Everyone's got 'em.

Thursday, June 04, 2009

Thoughts on Twilight

"Vampires sparkle when exposed to the sun."

Why did I not know this? The most disturbing thought I've ever had, well, the second most disturbing. In fact, I was under the impression that they melted when under the sun. They could only come out at night. It's quite insane that there is a generation of people who are growing up to think that vampires sparkle when exposed to the sun. What will they think of next?

They can also read thoughts according to Stephanie Myers' Twilight. According to the real tradition, I find that vampires only real talent is biting people. And making more vampires, much like their close cousin zombies.

What does this mean? It means that our generation is changing what the status quo for the vampires will be. It means that we are stretching beyond our boundaries as humans. It also means I'll never be able to enjoy a vampire novel again.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009


Guess what? I think I have fleas.

It started with the dog. She was found to be with flea and we gave her many flea baths. Unfortunately the colony seems to have moved to me. I've been suspecting this for a while. The dog sometimes sleeps on my bed, so the fleas have free access to move in. I scratched my head and moments later, I see a dark speck jump across the computer screen. Help! I know no natural remedies or tried and true potions. How will I get rid of the fleas? Most likely time and a good washing of the sheets, methinks.

Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer is almost here.

I can't believe summer and all it's guilty pleasures is almost here. We know that swimming will soon become available. And melted chocolate and camping out, with insect repellent, of course.

I'm thinking today was do nothing day #2, but I'm surely glad to have this day.

For some reason I've been craving marshmallows, crazily enough. Maybe some s'mores are in store for us in the near future. I hope so!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Absolutely Nothing

Day 1 of doing absolutely nothing. However, coffee is delicious.

There are holes in my workout pants... gotta get some new ones. These pants I've had forever, and they were hand-me-downs. Regardless I'll keep wearing them until the holes get too big for even me.

It's not often that people talk about the romance between a person and a article of clothing. I mean, these clothes spend a lot of their time with you. You have experiences with these clothes. They become a part of your skin. That's how I feel about my pants. They are a part of my personality.

However, when the time comes, I shall give up what I have with reluctance. Actually, I might make a quilt out of it.

Thursday, May 28, 2009


Coraline is a cute kids movie which teaches lessons about strength and courage and resilence in the face of danger. Most kids now a day's don't really go through adventures, therefore the movie is quite entertaining... a visual adventure.

I'm not finished with it yet, but soon will know the ending, which I'm sure is a happy one. We should have more movies like this out, attempting to show kids humility and agreeableness regardless of how "bad" or "boring" their lives are. It also teaches thankfulness.

What are you thankful for?


Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Two Girls One Cup

First a word of caution... don't see it. And if you do see it, I'm sorry because it has be indelibly burned into your memory. You know what I'm talking about.

So today was nice. I went to a yogurt house and it had so many flavors. Even tart lechee, which I would highly recommend as delicious to all. It may be my new favorite fruit. I didn't get lechee, however... what is more delicious than this amazing fruit? Cheesecake! Super amazing. I love yogurt houses so much that I'm going to marry them when I grow up. Lovely.

Oh, the dog's puking, i gotta go.

Until next time.

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


This blog will highlight grandmothers. Since I have just recently added them to my mailing list. Not everyone has them and I'm lucky to be blessed with two very awesome grandmothers, Grandma Coker and Grandma Vaught.

One has taught me to be hard on the outside and soft on the inside. To not let go of sorrow, because that's what makes us human.

The other has taught me to be tough and loving. To keep busy, regardless of the situation. Not to let sorrow overcome you.

All in all, valuable lessons to learn. Thanks to both of you.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Sunday, Bloody Sunday

I got absolutely nothing done today. I am completely ashamed. I was planning on making tortillas. Yes. Tortillas. But instead, I mucked about on the internet and did much of nothing.

That's ok, I'm alright with it.

Which leads me to the question of the day: What is your favorite food to make? Like some people like to eat a certain food, but say you are making some food which you have fun making or that other people enjoy... how does making it bring you pleasure?

I like making pork chops because I know everyone enjoys them. I cooked them last week and found that they are hard to make because of the flip em over....and then wait some more. It takes forever! But still the end project was awesome, because they all were eaten quickly and with savor.

That brings me to the topic of grudges. Don't hold them, they hold you back from experiencing new things.

That is all.

Much love,
Cinnamon and other spices,

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Big Red and Big Proclamation

Big Red. What can I say but no, no, and no. It's main premise is it's color. Not taste. Not thirst quenchingness. Not health. This drink is instead famous for it's color, red. It's taste is of an old sock drenched in cherries and sprite. At least they try to give it a taste, second to the overwhelming taste of red dye. I'll stick to my sprite or coke any day.

I know this will come as a shock and a disappointment to many of you. I really don't think I'm getting a job any time soon. I don't really have an excuse other than I am completely comfortable living at my mom's house and enjoying sleeping in every day. I don't have any passion, as far as a career is concerned, so no direction there. If anyone has any ideas for motivation... it's not as if I'm going to be kicked out on my tail if I don't get a job. That's my big proclamation.

Either way, we're going to have to get some better drinks up in here. Big Red, puh.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Thoughts on God

There's perks to believing in God. That's what I've been reading in Watchman Nee's book. There's grace and mercy. As he says, grace is in the place where there is the most sin. Which touched me the most. Because thinking about all the things I've done, all the people I've associated with and all the darkness around me, that God was there, giving me grace through all of that... is amazing. They say as you get older you appreciate God more and I believe that is true.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Weekly Hymn

"If you wish to let Him in, you just call upon His name,
You just call upon His name and let Him in
Call His name, call His name,
Call His name, call His name,
You just call upon His name and let Him in."

I like this song because it focuses on the fundamentals. Calling and finding and opening. I find that calling on the lord is nice because I can do it anytime, in my head privately to the Lord. And I don't have to open so big, but just big enough for a little of the person of the Lord to come in.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Today the Mormons are Coming

I don't know what to say to them. Should I be all like I don't believe in your religion... I feel like there should be people screaming and throwing things. "The Mormons are coming, the MORMONS are coming!"

They came, I saw, I conquered. I totally told them, I just wasn't interesting. It was horrible and great. Because they are spiritual in a sense, even if their religion was total bunk.

I just have this horrible habit of being nice...or to be more specific of doing the easy thing. Like letting Mormons run over me. Next time I'll use some spiritual karate. "If anyone adds one iota..."

Monday, May 18, 2009


I love coffee. The coffee I have now leaves residue in the cup and is instant, but it still has that coffee flavor and smell. I think it reminds me of my grandmother's house where there was always abundant coffee and how my grandparents had a morning routine of getting up, reading the news and drinking coffee. I'm sure my grandmother still does it to this day.

Coffee inspires me and I hope it inspires you.

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Banana News

The banana gun robber, concealed his "weapon" under his shirt. This seventeen year old found that the weapon also makes a tasty and nutritious snack as he ate the banana before the police showed up. Quote from the BBC News "'If he had a gun he would have shot me,' Mr Mabe told the Winston-Salem Journal newspaper. 'But he had a banana.'"

That's how I would rob a store. With a lonely banana. They are dangerous, at least as far as 80 year old hips and slips go.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Dogs are great.

Dogs are great. The actually can run with you and they aren't seeking to find a place to hide like with a cat.

And they actually have a personality.

I'm applying to jobs out the wazoo... so I better be having a job soon. I get impatient. But like all things it takes time and anyway patience comes from the lord. Except for people who are naturally patient. They need God's impatience.

Anyway. I love your e-mails. I bask in them, like a sea lion in the sun.

Friday, May 15, 2009


Which is Spanish for nothing, which is what I've done today.

I actually finished watching Red vs Blue, of which my favorite character is still Lopez. Well, Lopez's head actually. I can't really keep track of the other characters anyway, they blend into a mesh of stupidity. I especially was bothered by the character Caboose. He just got irritating towards the end. Watching it made me remember a love of the old things though. After watching so many cop shows which just emphasized sex, drugs and debachery, Red vs Blue focused on the more important things in life, such as time travel and talking bombs and aliens.

I feel a little more fulfilled just by watching it.

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I just discovered Jason Mraz. He is lovely. A little Jack Johnson versus pop music. I like it. Sort of a Dave Matthew's band. He is a lovely golden canary.

Question of the day: What's your favorite music?

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

I'm disappointed that no one has come forward to share their plans with me, though I did get an e-mail from Sayward but she sent it to everyone else, too.

I still have no plans currently. I'd like to get a summer job perhaps. I've been looking mostly at jobs from, a site that lists entry jobs, so I don't have to worry about my qualifications when getting a job. I've applied at several jobs so far, ranging from Sears to AMC theaters. I don't know that I'd get any of these jobs, the practical aspect is that I'm trying. And I'm call some of them for a follow up call, don't you worry about that.

And if you're brave enough, send your summer plans in,

Peace, love, and prosperity,

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Terrible Tues

It's a Tuesday and I'm thinking no big plans right? "Stumble" a little, listen to some music a little.

I swear the most interesting part of my life has been my night dreams.

Last night I dreampt I lived in a small makeshift zoo. Some saints lived with us as well. There was this huge mansion and all these animals, chimpanzees and snakes and lions in these small cages. It was great. Until some of the snakes got loose and started biting people. We got them under control, though with the help of some visitors.

I think somehow dreams are inherently selfish since the only person who can really enjoy them is yourself.

Mom is in her room studying her head off. John is in his room, doin' his thang.

I wonder what in my life has meaning.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Hymn of the week

Number 604 in the green book.

Verse 3.

"This Jesus lives inside of me-
My Lord, my life, my all to be.
This life and peace inside increases
By calling on the name of Jesus.
There's nothing for my soul on earth to seek.
I have no need;
I'm satisfied in Jesus."

I like this tune because of it's quick pace and enjoy the verses because I enjoy that life and peace.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Well, the visit from Sayward and Jason was a success. In household goods we measure, but in abundance of joy, hope and peace is measured out. There was the rewiring of the cable into the walls, there was the board across the broken part of the garage door, there was the ringing of the toilet and the fixing of faulty shower handles. All in all a success.

Thank you to all involved.

Oh, and I got new speakers. I have ears now!

Friday, May 08, 2009

A sister

A sister is coming over tonight. Whatever the saints touch always turns interesting and full of life.

Wednesday, May 06, 2009


Nablopomo is going ok. You get in a rhythm and you just write. Groovy man.

No one has sent in their stories yet. I'm not going to harp about it, but it would be neat for the family to read what every one else's plans are. Unless they are secret plans. Then please don't share.

My job search is still fruitless. It's painful for me to talk about, because of the economy and the mental health issues I face every day.

Oh, and I finally joined Twitter. After reading about it on countless blogs, I join and find the community active and alive and random people adding me to their tweet list. Which I find fascinating and confusing.

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Job Hunting

I struggle with getting a job. I kind of feel that the stars should line up or the gods should unite and somehow, somewhere, the right job would fall into my lap as the clouds parted and one of God's fingers touched down to light the way. Like God would get me a job since He knows I need one. Course I haven't prayed about all this... The most guidance I get is a Bible verse saying "work with your hands." That could mean I should be a masseuse for all I know.

Job hunting isn't like that. It's dirty. And you're going to get a thousand wrong jobs before the right one crops up. You have to dip your mind and your soul into it, as if you are dipping your hands in oil. And it's not fun. It's traumatic. One job you thought was fantastic never called you back. Or another job which seemed just right you don't have the qualifications.

All I can say is pray for me in these dark times.

Monday, May 04, 2009


"Prone to wander, Lord I feel it;
Prone to leave the Lord I love:
Take my heart, oh, take and seal it
With thy spirit from above.
Rescued thus from sin and danger,
Purchased by the Savior's blood,
May I walk on earth a stranger,
As a son and heir of God."

That's a verse to a hymn I like. I like that it says we're prone to wander. I do this a lot. I miss appointments and don't listen to God. Like we could actually hear Him. Anyway, we just have to ask the Lord to seal our heart. And being a stranger to earth, we will be a friend to God.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Your Stories

So , John is getting a job for summer, and I'm getting a job? Maybe. And Say is still working on having that baby. And Mom is going to enjoy her break from school and Dad is still in hot Iraq.

How have you all been doing. Time to write to me about your stories and I'll post them as they come. This is your blog as much as mine.

Love ya,
Peace out,

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Sometimes I wonder how much whatever I say matters in the long run. Will people do what they do regardless of the consequences, regardless of the fight we put out against them.

Really I just have to put some crap up here, cause I actually want to finish something. If I don't die first, I'd like to finish May's Nablopomo.

What's nablopomo, a reminder of what it is, National Blog Posting Month. They actually have the challenge up every month.

What's the point? There is no point. I have no noble fantastic purpose in writing these things. I really just want to share myself with the world. Or something.

Do you ever just hate anticipation? I hate waiting for things, too. It will be glorious.

Friday, May 01, 2009

A typical day

Suicide. No one really wants to talk about it. It's such a shame.

My day.

I get up. Gotta eat that sandwich mom brought.

I eat it. does not sit well on the stomach. Perhaps it's protesting after such bland foods as rice and beans.

I get on my computer and start stumbling through blogs. I find one with cute Asian kids. The parent must be proud to take so many pictures.

I get on my gmail account. Nothing there. No wait. Spam.

The hotmail calls. That's where I receive most of my mail, regardless that most of it's junk. I enjoy sorting through it. I end up on facebook, checking out my groups.

I end up on NaBoPoMo. This reminds me of my blog and how I could one day be famous. Famous for have a blog detailing the most boring day in history.

I add myself to the blogroll. Then I think... I want to be famous. What blog directories out there do I need to get myself into? From there is a bunch of directories you can sign up to be in, most out there to make a quick buck from advertising, but interesting nonetheless.

Right now I'm waiting.... waiting... waiting... for the sites to load. Agony.

I get lost in the world of passwords, descriptions, and RSS feeds for a minute. It's a long minute cause the internet is slow as molasses.

Eventually, as I come to realize, all this hullabuloo and fancy metatags aren't worth anything. Having my family read and enjoy my posts is really good enough for me.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I took the 43 Things Personality Quiz and found out I'm an
Organized Traveling Believer

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Drool or Bible?

Hey everyone, I hope everything is going well with you. There's so many hot guys around I'm just droooooooooling all over myself. NOT REALLY.

Anyway, I just am really creeped out by all the people in the church that I know getting married. I find out through facebook. What gives them the right to eternal happiness, when mine was crushed in one fell blow and thus my destiny awaits to do with it as I will.

What I mean to say is my life plan got thwarted. How irrevocably unsettling is this? And then people have the audacity to say that they have happiness which I cannot really share in (even though I try)? It's like everyone is getting married at the same time. And it's disturbing. I would ask everyone to please stop getting married.

I know the Bible probably has a plan for me. Stoning! I'm such a fornicator. Seriously, how does the Bible (my old faith) intermesh with what happens to me? These few words "Go and sin no more." That's the way it's gotta be.

Love ya'lls,
Peace outs...

Friday, April 03, 2009


Hey guys... I basically don't want to decide my fate, so I'd like you to decide for me.


Anyway, besides that, NOTHING is going on in my life. I hold the shift key down too long and filterkeys turns on. And that is exciting. And my life consists of sleeping, eating and staring blankly. Where is the drool, people?

I miss Thailand and my family and hope to see them again soon or go on a trip again soon. Perhaps Colorado in the summer so that will be nice.

Besides that I have chocolate-covered-cherry-flavored coffee, so that's a tasty treat. It's the only thing keeping me going.

Best wishes,

Saturday, March 07, 2009


If the internet were perfect, then there would be no broken links.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


This post is to make me look like an idiot.

I hate my brother and mom. Now that they seem to be all buddy buddy and love each other. I obviously have no worth and don't have a place in the household I live in.

I really should go off and wander the streets and become one of those bums in Austin who beg on the street for their food. At least I'd have a purpose. Even if it is the most vile and despicable of ones.

I wish my mom had put the TV out of her room. I know it's convenient for her in her room, but it's more accessible for me and John outside of her room.

Has anyone else noticed that my mom is grabby? That she comes up behind you and just grabs things out of your hand. When you're not ready to give it up. Does that bother anyone else?

That's the question of the week, sorry for being an emo, but feeling like your second fiddle to everyone isn't the greatest feeling in the world.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Update #2

Megan is fighting internally about whether having a writing business is worth it or not.

Struggling with seeing "the kids" and dad together for the first time in about a year or two.

Worried that her interest in her school work may be fading. That she won't make it.

Washing dishes, brushing her teeth, and making her bed daily.

Has been trying this new Candy Cane body lotion. It smells terrible, she doesn't suggest it.

Has got a buttload of instructions how she's supposed to act in Thailand, but doubts that they will stick. "She bows."

Wonders what a buttload is and thinks it's different for everyone.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I need you guys opinion on something. I have another blog...which I don't update as frequently as this one. It's a knitting blog and right now it's called Knitting Kniaisarie, "niasirarie" meaning foolishness. I'm thinking about changing the name and could use your input.

Should I change the name to:

Knitting Knarls
Knitting Knavery
Knitting Knickers
Knitting Knock
Knitting Knots

or keep it as Knitting Kniaisarie

Don't forget to leave a comment on the blog!

Monday, February 16, 2009


I'm sure that you all have been dying to know what's going on with Megan.

She still takes medication which she wishes she could get off.

She hasn't tried any long term projects yet, writing wise.

She's still going to school and taking her Technical Writing and Psychology courses seriously.

The catch on that is they aren't beneficial to her decided major, English.

For some reason, she got the clue that she should try for nursing. What a joke.

So she's hating these classes because they are pointless in her future, even though she's learning a lot.

She's glad she has internet.

She wishes her family would go to her blog and comment there, instead of sending her emails, because that would up her traffic.

And she likes talking about herself in third person.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

The End of the Beginning

So I failed at Nanoblomo, but don't curse me for it. You just saved yourself extra stuff up for now.

The diet and exercise is going well, and I would like to say that mostly things are going well, except for this rash. Now, I, more than anyone hate people talking about their weird medical deals, but this rash is all over my body and my face is really red. Passably-for-a-normal-person-red, but still. We think it's the acne meds which did it, but I'm wondering with the diet of milk and chocolate and vitamins, and soy proteins and the excessive exercise... what is up with that?

I shouldn't be complaining, the starving children in Africa, you know. So with that I bid you adieu. m

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Random Babblings

The last thing we forget to do after a long, long day of hard work is take a shower, get a cup of tea and relax.

So forget your troubles, your dirty neighbors, and actually, I really really am glad that we got a puppy. Because the problem lies within ourselves, and if we can give willingly out of a pure heart.

Trusting that a younger being than oneself will take seriously the propositions of the adult, we learn that even the best individual achievement is not good as working together.

Monday, February 02, 2009

Hard Cold Truths

I am an idiot. I am dumb, I am stupid, I am retarded, I am mentally insane, I am a fool, I am mentally challenged.

I'm ugly, I'm not fun to be around, I'm angry, I'm not a people-person, I'm antisocial, I'm shy, I'm fired.

These are some of the doubts plauging me, as I plunge through my day. I can't seem to think straight or come up with a line of conversation.

It's all just introspection. Either way, I'm unhappy.

I get where I want to push papers for the rest of my life... just to show them. Who? The man, I guess. I want to do something stupid and not useful. Which is what they want.

To show them the world of hurt they could get into and the world of hurt they are. So I can show them "bad."

So I can show them, that my world is crumbling.

They still want me to take the medication for what I did. I don't even know or could fathem (another one, I'm shallow.) how or what I did.

Anyway, that's my sucky post. Yah, NaBloPoMo. Question of the day (make a comment) : What are the labels you don't like or find stick to you?

Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Fat and Thin of It

I basically slept all day and then I woke up and had a shake.

Let me talk about shakes for a second. These are the Slimfast shakes.

My lovely mother thinks that they don't have enough nutritional value, but they say right on the shake that they have like 100 calories and 20 grams of protein and stuff. Now I am taking these to lose weight and I haven't lost that much, maybe two or three pounds. Losing weight is hard, as is exercising three times a week. I can start to feel that I don't have as much energy (meaning I'm burning fat) and there is a looseness in my pants. And it will continue to be difficult to exercise.

The thing is, my body chemistry is working against me. The medication I take, the Zyprexa, is shown to increase weight among people who take it. It is also shown to cause diabetes. Although I don't have that problem yet, I'm looking to the future when it may become a problem through a family history of diabetes. Insulin shots and blood pressure pricks may be in my future.

While this has to do with my crusade against fat, it also has to do with my quality of life and who I am as a person. To the new month-- question of the day: who do I want to be?

Saturday, January 31, 2009


The aroma of cooking potatoes fills the air and in the kitchen my mother is cooking.

I have to apologize to my blog and my readers. I signed us up for something: National Blog Posting Month, which happens every month, but at the end if you've posted for the whole month you get prizes. Which is my excuse for doing it. Maybe I'll even share the prizes. Either way, my readers and I are on a zany trip through soul-searching and self-revelation and nights of insanity and pointless conversations.

February's theme is "want." I may write on the theme, I may not. I think you get brownie points for writing on it. But I digress.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

First Impressions

Mike Frame is my professor of introductory psychology. He's a friendly middle-aged man who likes to make the class laugh. There are online quizzes, making for easy grading and easy access to the computer. We have some research requirements to fulfill, but my first impressions are of easy class.

My second class is conducted by Lorie Jacobs, a woman I couldn't find anywhere on the UTA web site or on the site she gave us, it giving us a "Error 404," whatever that means. Technical Writing, a course which is based on boring exercises, is where the teacher is supposedly teaching us how to write. (A writer who knows that only one person can teach you to write.) So we'll learn "how" to write memos and other random "workplace" modes of communication. Furn, furn. I just made up a new word....say it with me....furn.

So overall things did not go to badly for a first day. Tomorrow should also go smoothly, with the addition of my books and I'm wishing I had a locker or cubby to hide my stuff in while on campus. Maybe they should add lockers for students. When they put out student comment cards, I think I'll fill one out.

Question of the Day: If you could go back to college or if you could do it over again or you want to go to college, what major would you choose? Answer the question in the comment section below the post.