Friday, May 01, 2009

A typical day

Suicide. No one really wants to talk about it. It's such a shame.

My day.

I get up. Gotta eat that sandwich mom brought.

I eat it. does not sit well on the stomach. Perhaps it's protesting after such bland foods as rice and beans.

I get on my computer and start stumbling through blogs. I find one with cute Asian kids. The parent must be proud to take so many pictures.

I get on my gmail account. Nothing there. No wait. Spam.

The hotmail calls. That's where I receive most of my mail, regardless that most of it's junk. I enjoy sorting through it. I end up on facebook, checking out my groups.

I end up on NaBoPoMo. This reminds me of my blog and how I could one day be famous. Famous for have a blog detailing the most boring day in history.

I add myself to the blogroll. Then I think... I want to be famous. What blog directories out there do I need to get myself into? From there is a bunch of directories you can sign up to be in, most out there to make a quick buck from advertising, but interesting nonetheless.

Right now I'm waiting.... waiting... waiting... for the sites to load. Agony.

I get lost in the world of passwords, descriptions, and RSS feeds for a minute. It's a long minute cause the internet is slow as molasses.

Eventually, as I come to realize, all this hullabuloo and fancy metatags aren't worth anything. Having my family read and enjoy my posts is really good enough for me.

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