Sunday, September 20, 2009

Hymn of the week #9

  1. A little bird I am,
    Shut from the fields of air,
    And in my cage I sit and sing
    To Him who placed me there;
    Well pleased a prisoner to be,
    Because, my God, it pleaseth Thee.
  2. Nought have I else to do,
    I sing the whole day long;
    And He whom most I love to please
    Doth listen to my song;
    He caught and bound my wandering wing;
    But still He bends to hear me sing.
  3. Thou hast an ear to hear
    A heart to love and bless;
    And though my notes were e'er so rude,
    Thou wouldst not hear the less;
    Because Thou knowest as they fall,
    That love, sweet love, inspires them all.
  4. My cage confines me round;
    Abroad I cannot fly;
    But though my wing is closely bound,
    My heart's at liberty;
    For prison walls cannot control
    The flight, the freedom of the soul.
  5. O it is good to soar
    These bolts and bars above!
    To Him whose purpose I adore,
    Whose providence I love;
    And in Thy mighty will to find
    The joy, the freedom of the mind.
This song is actually painful for me. Because I am that bird. And I haven't gotten used to being shut up yet. Generally, I thought I didn't believe for the longest time. But every once in a while, something about the Lord touches me and I believe. These moments stretch into minutes and minutes into hours and so on. I come to believe the Lord has shut me in. I don't really have any skills and I don't know that I'll be going back to school so it's just me and the Lord at home while every one is away living their life. So even through the pain of not being able to handle all of life's difficulties, I can enjoy shut away in my "cage."

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