Monday, February 22, 2016

Tired of No Rights

They say never go to the grocery store when you are hungry.  I think it is the same with writing when you are sad.  Sadness begets sadness, happiness begets happiness. 

but sometimes the injustices you face are too much.  Hulu.  I paid for a subscription and now they say they don't have my e-mail in the system?  Is that a joke? 

And the page I got to says that they will look it up by my credit card number?  Are you kidding me?  Ugly Betty. 

And I go to the counselor because I felt bad.  They recommend that I quit school and go to a hospital.  I've been way more depressed than this.  I feel like they are just trying to get rid of a non-traditional student. 

It's these blurred lines.  It's like you could almost fight for your rights, but not exactly.  It's like someone nicely saying they hate you. 

The Hulu thing, I think I can, but the school counselor telling me go to a hospital, is more subtle.  You can't say, oh they don't want me to go to school.  I'm just sick of hospitals.  11 in 12 years, that averages to about once a year.  I'm not mentally unstable. Just sad.  And I have poor social skills.  That's all. 

This is a pity party to me, but when you're rights are infringed what do you do?  My right to pay for something and have it be there.  My right to an education. 

My mom was very brave to talk to me today.  She is very bad at it, but it's nice to know someone can sit for a second and think about me. 

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