Thursday, August 31, 2017

My boring day.

Today I woke up and it was already time for my therapist appointment.  I had slept in when I meant to be getting up and doing things, but in my defense, I had stayed up to 2 the night before and was exhausted.

I went to my therapy appointment, and my therapist and I went over a book with me about depression.  I think she is trying to teach me what depression is.   I think our appointments are ok, but I wish there was more back and forth. I feel like she is talking most of the time and I never seem to be able to talk about what I want and need to talk about.  Other than that, I appreciate our visits.

After I came home, I applied for a couple of warehouses online and called to follow up on my applications to other warehouses.  No response, so far.

Then I crawled into bed and fell asleep.  I slept and before I woke up I had a strange dream, where I was trying to find the most high God over all because I felt I was losing all my powers and having trouble, and there were candles lighting the kitchen and dining room, and I was floating every couple of steps and trying to show my mom how to float.

Facebook is all heat, lack of gas and football season starting.  I can't wait for the weather to change to chilliness and for the sweaters to come out.  As for the lack of gas, I'm somewhat concerned that we may run out and everything will come to halt, but I walk to work, so not too worried.  As for football, I'm actually thinking about watching, but I'm not a huge fan or anything.

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