Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I need you guys opinion on something. I have another blog...which I don't update as frequently as this one. It's a knitting blog and right now it's called Knitting Kniaisarie, "niasirarie" meaning foolishness. I'm thinking about changing the name and could use your input.

Should I change the name to:

Knitting Knarls
Knitting Knavery
Knitting Knickers
Knitting Knock
Knitting Knots

or keep it as Knitting Kniaisarie

Don't forget to leave a comment on the blog!


Silversway said...

I like the original name the best: it's very unique!

Megan Coker said...

Yah, that's what mom suggested to. She had an idea that was like "Knitting in the Know" that I kind of liked.