Monday, July 28, 2008

And Their Bombs, and Their Guns

Today's title is thanks to Bjork. I hate her music.

So there is still such a thing as a suicide bombers. Americans think that if they can make fun of something it's not real, not as tangible as death is.

But over in Iraq, Bagdad and Kirkuk, to be exact, there were 4 female suicide bombers who attacked Kurdish protesters. We take for granted our right to free speech, by forgoing the need to speak freely, but over in other countries, there are women who take the right to live for granted.

That's right, 61 people dead. That means people who loved life, who were willing to fight for their liberty...cut off.

That is why we should value our freedoms to have a peaceful assembly, and to have the pursuit of life, liberty, and happiness. We Americans think we have it good and we do...with the ability to breath another day and to believe that life is for worth fighting.

It makes my small petty problems seem so little...that I want to give out knitting lessons, and while Mrs. Bezzina would like them at 7, my mom says she'll drive me as early as nine. In a way, I'm proud of my mom for sticking up for other news, it's a problem for me to explain why I can't do the lessons at the time I said was fine.

Either way we are in a governmental (or familial) relationship which is turmoil. While I'm struggling to become an independent person, Iraq is struggling with the birthing pains of a new government. May we both succeed.

Megan Out

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