Monday, July 14, 2003

I almost deleted that person again. But then I decided I had to apologize, even though that person was being the jerky one. I wasn't being nice... but still. Hung out with Anna, Margie, Abby. Was fun. Benson fam. is craziness incarnate. Awesome how each of them are unique. I have to find myself a family in Austin. Want some little kiddos to play with. Tired. Annoyed. Happy, in a way. Sleepy feeling. I need to figure out what to wear tomorrow. I don't have many clothes that I like to wear. I'm afraid of being a ho. There's always something wrong with my shirts. Can't find something comfy. Need to go shopping, but yeah right, like that's ever going to happen. Had to take care of the deposit on my dorm and John's truth school, and all this other stuff.

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