Monday, March 07, 2016

Here I am, advertising

So I'm doing an online class at  And it turns into an infomercial for a research website.  I'm really flexible with online classes and you got to give the profs props for advertising his site this way.

The other side of me, the serious student says what the hell, I'm being cheated, because I really wanted to learn about dogs, it's an Dog Emotions and Cognition class, but the class is free so you can't really say that.   And his site is really like what a lab might be in an actual class. 

Maybe it's me, I've been having a weird feeling towards education that's been brewing for a while.  I used to worship education, but now, I have some inclement of dissent. 

I just feel bad for them.  There must be some better way to get out information about a site which is relevant to the majority of dog owners.  Maybe a short ad on Hulu, or Netflix.  How can you advertise research?  You can't promise reward....or can you....our Dognition, so aptly named to combine dog and cognition offers a free report on your dog.  Awesome.  I feel like, this is a situation that needs to be addressed.  Free advertising for people doing important research. 

He also recommends his book for the class.  I have checked it out of the library, and it seems simple.  Needs complexity.